Holger THEUNERT anstatt in ROMA < Brixen
Genießen Sie in den kommenden Tagen die neuesten Werke von Holger THEUNERT,
welche aus aktuell bekannten Gründen nicht in Rom ausgestellt werden konnten.
PICTURE FRAME - Johannes Kompatscher closes your pictures with the right frame!
The right frame gives each painting a special effect. The passe-partout already gives space, protects and refines the artwork. Specisal invisible glass – if desired – is now available at affordable prices.

LOVE LETTERS - Lettere d'Amore - from Maurizio Magnani until 23.2.2020
Lettere d'Amore Art Exhibition from 7/2/ - 23/2/2020
MIRROR of LIGHT - Opening of exhibition from Birgit KUSS friday 15/11/19 8:00 p.m.
Southtyrolian artist Birgit KUSS shows for the first time in a solo exhibition her newest works at Galerie Hofburg.
Come and have a look to this great paintings with real GOLD ...
Thoughts of the artist Karolina Gacke:
In today’s world, everything is evolving so fast. Digital reality and artificial intelligence are taking over our lives and reducing our freedom, our free spaces.
Many people are finding it difficult to manage in this new reality, and emotional and psychological problems are becoming more common. To cope with all this pressure, a lot of us, including young children, are turning to prescribed medication, hoping for an easy way out. Our society is becoming more and more unhappy, as we get stuck in a vicious circle we can’t get out of.
Through the language of my art, I try to confront people with reality, show them the situation and speak about the unspoken. I believe that awareness is the first step to changing anything in this world, and to creating more free space.
New artwork from Ernst Müller
A couple of days ago new paintings from the southtyrolian artist Ernst Müller arrived our gallery. Also in this series of paintings the artist convince with his talent. Müllers artwork are minted from his relation to the nature and the deep bound to his native country. His oil paintings are noticed because of the intensity of colours and naturalism.

Adriano Colombo + 23/2/19 R.I.P.
Adriano Colombo continius his eternal LIFE from 23th february 2019
His humoristic ART remains and becomes unforgettable, THANKS ADRIANO!
GUHM - A project from Gabriele Middelmann with Uli Hoiss
After many years of intensive exchange and experimentation in 2017, the artists Gabriele Middelmann and Uli Hoiss have come together as Partners in Art, known as -GUHM-, thus fulfilling the common wish to enter new artistic territory. Uli Hoiss and Gabriele Middelmann are independent artists recognized in the art scene who teach their painting through book publications and at international academies. The ART SHIP -GUHM- is a symbiosis of two completely different styles of art, from alternate editing of the canvas in different techniques creates "other". The communication, the trust, the respect for the opposing art direction and the curiosity for the new are an integral part of this art. Details from morbid architectural surfaces, only to be found in the everyday world at second glance, form the structured surfaces of Gabriele Middelmann. They are the basis for overpainting by Uli Hoiss with sceneries that connect different areas of life. The painterly further processing and supplementation by both artists creates a unique kind and variation of Urban Art: GUHM
Merry Christmas!
This nativity painted on the background of 7 different glasses let us feel the heartly light of the HOLY NIGHT.
Exhibition "BX 8/24" from Holger Theunert at Neustift - 24.08.-02.09.18
One year after the successful exhibition in the Gallery Hofburg Brixen, a new project by the German painter Holger Theunert and his gallery owner Jakob Kompatscher will follow on 24 August 2018.
On the occasion of the presentation of the portrait of the abbot of Kloster Neustift in Vahrn, an exhibition will take place there in the beautiful Castel Sant'Angelo at Neustift.
An event like this has not yet existed there, as Theunert is supported by the Karlsruhe media artist Andreas Siefert (PONG) and the Norwegian musician Terje Evensen.
Siefert and PONG are the inventors of the” Karlsruher Schlosslichtspiele”, Evensen is a member among others at Spin Marvel - an English Norwegian Jazz Super Group (featuring John Paul Jones, Nils Petter Molvǽr).
Especially for the Castel Sant'Angelo a music is composed and a sound installation is created - Theunert's pictures are taken up by the video mapping Andreas Sieferts and form a new level.
We look forward to every visitor and wish an exciting experience.
Exhibition: 24.08.-02.09.18