Gras und Zähne - Ausstellung im Naturmuseum Südtirol
KULTURgeschichte der WEIDE – im Naturmuseum Südtirol
26.10.2024 – 12.10.2025
Daniela NOVIXFERA schuf in Zusammenarbeit mit der Galerie KOMPATSCHER für diese Ausstellung
drei 30 cm große Hirte*innen und einen lebensgroßen liegenden Wolf mit Welpe
A heartly THANK YOU dear Angela Tripi ...

“I want to enrich the value of life in its last breath”” is a motto of the upcycling artist CIRO

Invitation to Venice
SECONDO SGUARDO - Second sight
OPEN: Thursday – Sunday 4:30 – 7:00 pm
VENICE – OPENING EVENT at imagoars Cannaregio 883
You are cordially invited to celebrate with us in Venice on Saturday 25 March after 6 pm
Holger Theunert, German painter, presents for the second time in Venice his personal exhibition entitled “SECONDO SGUARDO” (“Second Look”), accompanied and presented by his friend, the gallery owner Jakob Kompatscher and Claudio Samenco, gallery owner in Venice.
The vernissage will take place on March 25th at 6pm at IMAGOARS New Space, Cannaregio 883, Venice.
The English musician LEO ABRAHAMS (PULP, BRYAN FERRY) provides the musical framework for the event, while the German chef BERTRAM KONRAD spoils the guests with wonderful catering, refined with Austrian and South Tyrolean wines.
The viewer embarks on a journey that leads through Theunert’s life, the people around him and above all through landscapes. South Tyrol and Venice.
Nothing is as it seems. Or better: many things appear as they are not. A game.
Perhaps the painter’s fantastic worlds overlap with the imagination of some viewers. Not everything is immediately obvious. So it’s worth taking a second look.
Holger Theunert – “the singer of pictorial (imaginary) reality” (Alceste Ayroldi)
Aversa Marcello - Terra Viva
Aversa Marcello - Terra Viva
07/12/2021 – 31/01/2022
Marcello Aversa celebrates his 25th anniversary as an artist and opened this anniversary with an impressive exhibition “Terra Viva” (italian for living earth) in Sorrento’s Villa Fiorentino. At the same time, 7 special works are exhibited in the prestigious Università Cattolica in Milan. We congratulate Marcello from the bottom of our hearts and are grateful about this great success!
In Sorrento alone, over 14,000 visitors have already seen his exhibition…
Collective exhibition
Collective exhibition
25 local artists expose their newest operas at the great showing room of our art store Kompatscher on Seminar-Place
Alessi Pascale, Amort Elisabeth, Aresti Valentino, Baldessari Alexa, Cagol Daniela, Contò Francesco, Damini Markus, Fischnaller Annemarie, Gacke Carolina, Gallmetzer Ruth, Gheno Bruno, Lamonaca Giancarlo, Mitterer Irmgard, Montoro Alessandro, Mureda Manfred, Olivotto Claudio, Olivotto Seela, Paternoster Claudio, Pittschieler Margit, Rauter Simon, Sommavilla Romeo, Taber Liz, Tasser Brunhilde, Thaler Martina, Winkler Verena
Perspectives by Simon Rauter
Perspectives by Simon Rauter
The exhibition by Simon Rauter in the showroom of our gallery shows wooden sculptures of various motifs, sizes and designs to marvel at – even a special concrete sculpture is exponed at the entrance to the exhibition. There are not only three-dimensional works by the 40-year-old artist on display, but also sketches and pictures that can be discovered from different perspectives.
Simon Rauter is a master of what can be guessed at, what is obviously hidden. Sometimes we only see the obvious by looking at one Sculpture, but if we take our time, we suddenly discover behind the Facade something hidden, contradicting, previously unthought and maybe provocative too.
The artist’s favorite material is wood. He usually carves the human figures from a large trunk, letting the natural textures of the wood influence his work. During the work, a dialogue arise between the artist and the material. The sculpture is not 100% planned in advance, but it develops in the work process. The surfaces are finely treated, highlighting the life of the tree. The structure of the wood, cracks and holes caused by maggots give the sculptures vividness, but indicates at the same time impermanence.
Guido Goller carves wood
Artist Guido Goller carves wooden figures saturday 24th october 2020 at Galerie Hofburg in Brixen
Holger THEUNERT anstatt in ROMA < Brixen
Genießen Sie in den kommenden Tagen die neuesten Werke von Holger THEUNERT,
welche aus aktuell bekannten Gründen nicht in Rom ausgestellt werden konnten.